KOREA UNIVERSITY Department of Philosophy

  • Sitemap
  • Korea Univ.
  • 한국어

Brief History


Established in 1946, the Department of Philosophy at Korea University has accomplished remarkable feats, and marched forward alongside international, as well as Korean, society for philosophy throughout its over half a century history. It pursues a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of Eastern and Western philosophy to reach systematic perspectives on the world and the people in it. The academic journey of the Department of Philosophy is summarized as follows:


Brief History
1946 The Department of Philosophy is established.
1950. 05 The Department’s first six Bachelor’s degree holders graduate.
1952 The Department is incorporated into the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
1955 The first issue of the Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies is published.
1975 The Department’s first Ph.D. graduates.
1982 The Society for Chinese Philosophy is established.
1986 The Society for the Korean History of Thought is established.
1996 An academic conference in celebration of the 50th Foundation Anniversary of the Department is held.
1986 The Institute of Philosophical Studies is established.
2002 An international conference in association with Universität Bremen is held and the Public Rationality Research Project is launched.
2005 The Mind-Body Program Research Project is launched.
2006 Professor Emeritus Sa-Soon Youn delivers a special lecture at College de France.
2009 The National Priority Research Project is launched.